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First Aid Tips

We want to share our knowledge of first aid and the first aid industry with you. We deal with 1000s of enquiries every year and there are common questions that we answer and information that we give to people which we also put here on our website.

CIMSPA Endorsed CPD Points

CIMSPA Endorsed CPD Points

React First is proud to be a certified CIMSPA Education Partner, quality assured annually achieveing the top level, 3-star Enhancing Status. Two of our most popular first aid courses for this sector are approved for CIMSPA Endorsed CPD points.

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Ski Safe - Top tips to stay safe and injury free when skiing

Ski Safe - Top tips to stay safe and injury free when skiing

It's that time of year again! Here are my top tips to stay safe and injury free when skiing and what to do if something bad does happen. 

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UK Athletics First Aid Requirements

UK Athletics First Aid Requirements

React First has a selection of first aid courses which meet the UK Athletics A, B and C category of first aid requirements.

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Why should I train in first aid?

Why should I train in first aid?

There are many reasons why it is important to train in first aid. Most people come on first aid training courses because they have been sent by their workplace, or they need a valid certificate to keep other qualifications valid, but there are lots of other benefits too:

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Mental Health First Aider Support App - MHFA England

Mental Health First Aider Support App - MHFA England

In September 2022, after much research and piloting, MHFA England released their updated Mental Health First Aid course.  In addition to updated statisitcs and references, being a Mental Health first Aider (MHFAider®) now comes with three years of support and benefits via the MHFAider Support App®.

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Why don't we call abdominal thrusts the Heimlich manoeuvre anymore?

Why don't we call abdominal thrusts the Heimlich manoeuvre anymore?

When you come on one of our first aid courses you'll notice that we no longer talk about the "Heimlich manoeuvre" when dealing with choking. Instead we call the same movement an "abdominal thrust" and we also give you an alternative action, back blows, to try to dislodge the blockage first. Why is this?

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First Aid Course Standard Hygiene Procedures

First Aid Course Standard Hygiene Procedures

Updated February 2022 following changes to Government guidelines on COVID-19.  A standard set of hygiene measures remain in place on our first aid courses. Workplace specific hygiene requirements on private courses where we send a trainer to your premises can also be accommodated. Please let us know what these are at the time of booking.

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What is an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)?

What is an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)?

A defibrillator or AED is a life-saving machine that delivers and electric shock to the heart which when used promptly, in the case of sudden cardiac arrest, can restart the heart.

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Join our Team - Become a First Aid Trainer

Join our Team - Become a First Aid Trainer

React First trains a small number of carefully selected people every year to become first aid trainers to deliver high quality first aid courses on our behalf.

Almost all of our trainers come to us because they have attended one of our Outdoor First Aid courses as a candidate and liked the style so much that they want to learn to deliver first aid courses in the same way.

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Buying an AED

Buying an AED

A lot of people ask our advice when they are thinking about buying a defibrillator.  So here is a little more information an where to buy an AED and how much you will need to budget.

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COVID-19 UPDATE - First Aid Certificate Expiry Date Extension

COVID-19 UPDATE - First Aid Certificate Expiry Date Extension

As of 31st March 2021 all first aid certificate expiry date extensions have ended. You must renew expired certificates by attending a first aid course in order to be a qualified first aider.

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What first aid training is needed by a Forest School Practitioner?

What first aid training is needed by a Forest School Practitioner?

Forest School Pracitioners need a first aid course which is 16 contact hours with both an outdoor and a paediatric element. The ITC Forest School First Aid course delivered by React First covers these requirements and is aligned at Band 3 with the IOL guidelines for outdoor first aid. It is exactly what you need!

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Online Youth Mental Health First Aid - Delegate FAQs

Online Youth Mental Health First Aid - Delegate FAQs

MHFA England have produced a useful set of delegate FAQs if you have signed up to the online Youth MHFA course to become a Youth Mental Health First Aider

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System Requirements for Online MHFA Courses

System Requirements for Online MHFA Courses

In order to ensure a high-quality experience on your online mental health first aid course, your computer/phone/tablet and internet connection speed should meet the following recommended system requirements. 

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Institute for Outdoor Learning Accredited Course

Institute for Outdoor Learning Accredited Course

The ITC Level 3 Award in Outdoor First Aid is acredited by the Institude for Outdoor Learning (IOL) at band 3. This means that both the content of the course and the trainers delivering the course meet the required criteria.

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What is Mental Health First Aid?

What is Mental Health First Aid?

Mental Health First Aid training is not unlike physical first aid. As a Mental Health First Aider you will learn the skills to  recognise the signs and symptoms of common mental health issues.

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Online Adult Mental Health First Aid - Delegate FAQs

Online Adult Mental Health First Aid - Delegate FAQs

MHFA England have produced a useful set of delegate FAQs if you have signed up to the online Adult MHFA course.

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Anaphylaxis training recommendations from the Resuscitation Council (UK)

Anaphylaxis training recommendations from the Resuscitation Council (UK)

There is no statutory legal requirement in the UK deeming who is suitably trained to train others. However any trainer has an obligation under common law to ensure they are competent to train others.

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What do 'Levels' mean in first aid qualifications?

What do 'Levels' mean in first aid qualifications?

There are two main qualification frameworks in the UK; the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) and the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). React First is approved to run qualifications from both these frameworks as well as bespoke qualifications regulated by the Awarding Organisation ITC First.

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Concussion management in sports first aid

Concussion management in sports first aid

Concussion must be taken extremely seriously. If you suspect a player is suffering from concussion they must be removed from play immediately and assessed by a medical practitioner. Erring on the side of caution is important!

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Myth Busting - Adults can't put plasters on children's cuts!!

Myth Busting - Adults can't put plasters on children's cuts!!

We've often heard of teachers, volunteers and carers being told to ask parents for permission, or even requiring parents to drive over and put the plaster on themselves. This persistent myth causes a lot of unnecessary hassle and worry.

There is no rule that says a responsible adult can't put a plaster on a child's minor cut. 

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First Aid - Can I be sued?

First Aid - Can I be sued?

One of the questions people ask most frequently on courses is whether they can have a claim bought against them as a result of their treatment of a casualty.

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First aid requirements for schools

First aid requirements for schools

The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage produced by the Department for Children, Schools and Families requires that from September 2008 there is a statutory duty that all schools with Year R classes must have at least one person who has a current paediatric first aid certificate on the premises at all times.

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What is the first aid treatment for suspension trauma?

What is the first aid treatment for suspension trauma?

React First teaches in accordance with current guidelines.  Since September 2008 HSE guidelines are that when dealing with suspension trauma no change is to be made to the standard UK Resuscitation ABC management if the casualty has been subject to prior harness suspension.

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What are the duties of a first aider?

What are the duties of a first aider?

The role of a first aider is to provide immediate, temporary care to someone who is ill or injured. In the case of basic life support procedures, such as CPR, using an AED or putting someone into the recovery position first aid may be live-saving.

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What is the legal requirement for first aid at work?

What is the legal requirement for first aid at work?

The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and people to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. 

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Spinal Injuries in Sports First Aid - Manual Immobilisation Techniques

Spinal Injuries in Sports First Aid - Manual Immobilisation Techniques

On React First Pitch-side Sports First Aid courses we teach manual spinal immobilisation techniques for suspected spinal injuries and incident management.

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Soft Tissue Injuries - RICE vs PRICE vs METH

Soft Tissue Injuries - RICE vs PRICE vs METH

For better or worse, (P)RICE remains established first aid treatment for a soft-tissue injuries. Rest remains beneficial to acute trauma and METH comes into play with rehabilitation and finding the right balance for pain free movement as soon as possible. It isn't part of a first aid course.

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First Aid at Work - Guidance on requalification and refresher courses

First Aid at Work - Guidance on requalification and refresher courses

Your First Aid at Work (FAW) certificate is maintained by completing our two day First Aid at Work Requalification course before the expiry date of the current certificate.

The Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) qualification is maintained by attending another one day EFAW course before the expiry date of the current certificate.

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What is Basic Life Support (BLS)?

What is Basic Life Support (BLS)?

Basic Life Support describes a set of basic life saving first aid techniques, which include CPR. The Resuscitation Council (UK) produces a set of guidelines for first aiders to administer Adult Basic Life Support and Paediatric Basic Life Support.

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How to create an emergency action plan for your sports club

How to create an emergency action plan for your sports club

All sports clubs have a responsibility and duty of care to ensure a safe environment is available to those in their care, spectators as well as athletes. This includes having a clearly documented plan that outlines the actions and processes that need to be fulfilled in an emergency situation for home and away tournaments and on club nights.

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First Aid Requirements for Outdoor Instructors

First Aid Requirements for Outdoor Instructors

The 16hr ITC Award in Outdoor First Aid is our most popular Outdoor First Aid training course for people holding the most common UK Outdoor qualifications: Mountain Training Awards like ML, Winter ML, BMG, BASI and British Cycling and MIAS mountain bike instructors.

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Dealing with Cramps

Dealing with Cramps

Almost everyone has experienced cramps in their life but most people do not understand why they happen or how to prevent them.

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What qualifications do first aid trainers and assessors need to hold?

What qualifications do first aid trainers and assessors need to hold?

React First is a Centre approved by the Awarding Organisation ITC First to deliver first aid training and qualifications. You can be assured that all first aid trainers delivering first aid training which is certificated through an Awarding Organisation meet all of the following criteria.

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Can schools keep spare adrenaline auto-injectors?

Can schools keep spare adrenaline auto-injectors?

Yes. From 1 October 2017 the Human Medicines (Amendment) Regulations 2017 will allow all schools to buy adrenaline auto-injector (AAI) devices without a prescription, for emergency use in children who are at risk of anaphylaxis but their own device is not available or not working (e.g. because it is broken, or out-of-date).

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How to use adrenaline auto-injectors like EpiPen®, Jext® or Emerade®

How to use adrenaline auto-injectors like EpiPen®, Jext® or Emerade®

There are three main types of adrenaline auto-injector which are prescribed in the UK; EpiPen®, Jext® and Emerade. Emerade is the most recent single use adrenalin auto-injector to become available in the UK.

You may also have heard of Anapen®. Whilst Anapen® is in use in Ireland, the US and Europe it is not currently passed for use in the UK.

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Equivalence across sports first aid courses

Equivalence across sports first aid courses

How does one sports first aid certificate compare to another? If only there were a nice, simple answer to this question. Unfortunately there isn't, so read on if you are interested to know more about how to go about comparing sports first aid courses.

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Are you Seizure Savvy?

Are you Seizure Savvy?

Would you know what to do if one of your colleagues had a seizure in the workplace? One in 100 people has epilepsy and yet two out of every three people in the UK who do not have a family member with epilepsy, would not know how to help someone during a seizure.

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Ticks!! Removal, Lyme disease, Tick-borne Encephalitis

Ticks!! Removal, Lyme disease, Tick-borne Encephalitis

Tick activity is highest in the Spring and early Summer. If you are active in the Outdoors chances are you've removed a tick or two in your time! The aim is to remove all parts of the tick's body and mouth parts and avoid compressing the tick's body causing it to release additional saliva or regurgitate its stomach contents into your bite wound.

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How to treat an adder snake bite

How to treat an adder snake bite

We are very fortunate in the UK that the only venomous snake is the Adder or European viper (vipera berus).  Adder bites are uncommon and only normally occur if the snake is provoked.

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How to treat a nose bleed

How to treat a nose bleed

A nose bleed, like any other bleed, needs firm direct pressure to be applied for 8-10 minutes for clotting factors to form and the bleeding to stop.  Remember this is going to seem like a very long time to the person you are treating! 

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RIDDOR 2013 - Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations

RIDDOR 2013 - Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations

RIDDOR stands for the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurences Regulations.  It is the law that requires employers to report and keep records of certain dangerous occurences and work-related accidents.

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How long does my first aid certificate last for?

How long does my first aid certificate last for?

First aid certificates are valid for 3 years from their date of issue.

Since 2010 the HSE strongly recommends that holders of First Aid at Work and Emergency First Aid at Work certificates attend an annual refresher course in order to keep their skills up to date during the 3 year period before renewal.

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What is CPR?

What is CPR?

CPR, Cardio (Heart) Pulmonary (Lungs) Resuscitation (Revival) is an emergency life saving procedure which is performed on people whose heart has stopped.  By pushing on the casualties chest and blowing into their mouth the rescuer is trying to keep the heart pumping and oxygen flowing around the body until an ambulance arrives.

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Who can administer adrenaline auto-injectors in an emergency?

Who can administer adrenaline auto-injectors in an emergency?

In an emergency ANYONE CAN. But just because the law states than ANYONE CAN administer adrenaline in an emergency, life-saving situation certainly doesn't mean that ANYONE WILL actually recognise the severity of the situation and ACT PROMPTLY to help the casualty and potentially save their life. Training could be the difference between life and death!

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Schools can keep spare emergency inhalers

Schools can keep spare emergency inhalers

Following extensive research and public consultation there was overwhelming support for the law to be changed to allow schools to hold emergency salbutamol inhalers.

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