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What do 'Levels' mean in first aid qualifications?

There are two main qualification frameworks in the UK; the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) and the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). React First is approved to run qualifications from both these frameworks as well as bespoke qualifications regulated by the Awarding Organisation ITC First.

Each framework and in fact every provider of qualifications not on the frameworks have their own way of "levelling" i.e. assigning a level to their qualifications or courses. 

For example, a Level 3 first aid qualification on the RQF is equivalent to a Level 6 first aid qualification on the SCQF. They cover the same content and are delivered in the same way, they just happen to have been given a different level. Level 6 does not mean it is a more advanced first aid qualification.

Confusing isn't it! Simply, it is best to just ignore the level of any first aid qualification and look at the content that the course covers instead to check that it covers what you need.

If you have been asked to hold a first aid qualification with a specific level, the chances are that the person or organisation asking you for that doesn't really understand what the levels mean either but typically the RQF levels are the most widely recognised and you will have been asked to hold a Level 3 First Aid qualification. 

React First is approved to deliver first aid qualifications by the Awarding Organisation ITC First. They are responsible for external quality assurance visits and for monitoring our own internal quality assurance procedures in order to protect the Learner Journey or anyone attending a course with ourselves.


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