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Online Youth Mental Health First Aid - Delegate FAQs

MHFA England have produced a useful set of delegate FAQs if you have signed up to the online Youth MHFA course to become a Youth Mental Health First Aider.


The Online Youth Mental Health First Aid Course

Attending a live session

The MHFA England Online Learning Hub

System Requirements

Full system requirement details

The Online Youth Mental Health First Aid Course

Q. What is the Online Youth Mental Health First Aid Course?

The MHFA England Online Youth Mental Health Fist Aid course is a practical skills and awareness course designed to equip learners with the skills and confidence to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues, and provide support and signposting to self-help, or professional services. The new online version of this course delivers the same evidence-based learning outcomes of the popular ‘face-to-face’ Youth MHFA Two Day course in an accessible and flexible online format. The course is structured around a blend of individual learning and live sessions. These are all conducted online via MHFA England's new Online Learning Hub – an integrated learning platform. Learners who complete the course will be certified by MHFA England as Youth Mental Health First Aiders. They will receive an e-certificate on completion of the course.

Q. Who is it for?

The Online Youth Mental Health First Aid course is designed for adults who work with young people who would like to become Youth Mental Health First Aiders. Youth Mental Health First Aiders have the skills to spot signs of a range of mental health issues and signpost a person to appropriate support. This course has been tested and approved for adults (18yrs +) and people from the age of 16yrs with written parental consent. This course is also well suited for people who enjoy and are comfortable with learning online.

Q. What is the format of the course?

The course consists of four live sessions led by an MHFA England Instructor Member, and four individual learning sessions. These are to be completed outside of, and prior to, the live sessions.

Q. What is the course structure?

It typically takes 14hrs 40min for a learner to complete the course. This is structured for the learner in the following way:
− Individual learning – 1hr
− Live session one – 2hrs 35min
− Individual learning – 1hr 15min
− Live session two – 2hrs 10min
− Individual learning – 1hr 20min
− Live session three – 2hrs 5min
− Individual learning – 1hr 35min
− Live session four – 1hr 25min
Every live session includes a 10min break.
Individual learning will be a mix of reading, videos and workbook activities.

Q. How long is the course?

There is the flexibility to take the course over a length of time that suits you, your fellow learners, and your instructor. For the best learner experience, we recommend that Instructor Members deliver the course over a two-week period, in at least four days. This allows the learners to complete their individual learning ahead of each session.

Q. How do I book my place on the course?

React First partner with ResponderMHFA to deliver an open programme of online Youth Mental Health First Aid courses which you can book onto as an individual or a small group. A full list of dates are here: React First Online Youth Mental Health First Aid Course Dates and you can complete an online booking form.

Q. Can I sign up to a course at the last-minute?

It is best to sign up well in advance of a course start date so that you have time to receive the printed materials through the post. If this isn't possible we do have a digital set of resources which we will send you so that you can still start the course while you are waiting for your printed materials to arrive. There is about an hour of individual learning which you need to complete before the first live session.

Q. What address should I provide for materials to be delivered to if I am completing the course through work?

Please provide the address at which you will be completing the course – if you are working from home this will be your home address.

Q. What work do I have to complete before the first instructor-led live session?

There are four individual learning modules to complete, including one that needs to be completed before the first live session. Although this can be completed in a minimum of one hour, we aim to get the printed materials to you a week before the first live session so that you have plenty of time to complete the individual learning. The printed manual and workbook will provide you with invaluable learning and reference materials that are yours to keep.

You will struggle to optimise the live session if you haven’t completed your individual learning prior to attendance at the live session. You will also need to complete all individual learning activities to be marked as complete and issued with a certificate.

You and your Instructor Member can check your individual learning progress via the Online Learning Hub, and your instructor will be monitoring to ensure that you have engaged with the materials. They may also contact you to check whether you need any additional support.

Q. What is the end-to-end learner journey for the Online Youth Mental Health First Aid course?

Once you are booked onto a course, you will receive an email from React First. This email will contain the live session dates and times, as well as a link inviting you to create your login on the MHFA England Online Learning Hub. We will also request your postal address if you haven't already provided it.

As soon as we have your postal address we will complete your registration with MHFA England. You will be sent an email from MHFA England and you will be sent a manual and workbook in the post. You will need these for the live sessions and to complete your individual learning.

You can access your individual learning within the hub by clicking on ‘Courses Assigned to Me’. This contains instructions of every individual learning activity that needs to be completed before each live session.

You will need to log onto the MHFA England Online Learning Hub system for your live sessions on the dates and times set by the instructor. You can also use your login to complete the individual learning in between each live session as directed.

As the date of your first live session approaches we will send you details of an evening 'tech check' session which you can join to check that your camera, speakers and micro-phone are all working and fix any issues with no time pressure. 

At the end of live session four, you will receive an automated email with a link to complete a course evaluation survey. Once submitted, you will then be able to download your e-certificate for completing the course.

Q. Can I attend the face-to-face course even if I have attended the online version?

As the content of the online and face-to-face versions of the Youth Mental Health First Aid courses are very similar, you would not need to repeat the course. We do however recommend you attend one of our half day Refresher course every three years or repeat the full Youth Mental Health First Aid course (either online or face-to- face) every three years.

Q. What is the difference between the Youth MHFA Two Day course and the Online Youth Mental Health First Aid course?

The Online Youth Mental Health First Aid course has been developed to ensure that MHFA England's proven Mental Health First Aid training can continue to be delivered where social distancing measures may prevent face-to-face delivery. They have taken the time to tailor the learner experience to suit the online environment and are confident that the Online Youth Mental Health First Aid course delivers the same learning outcomes as the face-to-face Youth MHFA Two Day course.

It is not a replacement for the face-to-face classroom based Youth MHFA Two Day course. However, it will be a permanent alternative option for delivery. This course can be delivered where classroom learning may not be possible, or when clients or learners would prefer the alternative accessibility and flexibility of an online course delivering the same learning outcomes.

Q. When will I get my e-certificate?

At the end of live session four, your Instructor Member will mark you as having completed the course, and you will receive an automated email with a link to complete a course evaluation survey. Once submitted, you will then be able to download your e- certificate for completing the course.

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Attending a live session

Q. What do I need to do to join the live sessions?

Your Instructor Member will send you detailed instructions about how to join before your first live session. These will be sent through the Online Learning Hub.

Q. What happens if I miss one or more live sessions?

You will need to attend all four live sessions and complete all the individual learning BEFORE you can be marked as completed by your Instructor, to receive your MHFA England certificate. The course will remain live on the platform for one month after the last live date and you will need to negotiate with your Instructor Member to attend any live sessions you missed.

Q. Will I be able to interact in the group session if I don’t have a webcam or do not feel comfortable having it turned on?

If you are not able or comfortable to participate in the course with your camera on, then this online version of our Youth Mental Health First Aid course is not the right one for you.

There is nothing more important than your wellbeing, and, just like the face-to-face Youth MHFA Two Day course, this course has been designed to ensure a safe environment for learners. One of the key safeguards is to ensure that Instructor Members can see all learners and check for signs of anxiety or distress, which requires all learners to have their cameras turned on for live sessions.

Q. If I start to feel overwhelmed or anxious how can I contact the instructor during the session?

There is nothing more important than your wellbeing, and, just like the face-to-face Youth MHFA Two Day course, this course has been designed to create a safe learning environment for learners, and to ensure that learners are always supported.

Key safety features of the product that support your learner safety are:

  • A group learning agreement – including confirming with all learners whether the live sessions can be recorded or not
  • Clear opt-out points for learners who do not feel comfortable taking part in a particular activity
  • Guidance for how you can ask the instructor for help - prior to, during and after a live session
  • Guidance for instructors when a learner asks for help or chooses to leave a live session
  • Clear signposting for you to sources of help and advice outside of the course

Q. What do I do if I cannot find one of the resources during the live session?

You should raise this with the instructor as soon as you have an issue finding anything required for the course. You can do so by messaging them directly or raising it on camera should you feel comfortable doing so.

Q. What happens if I get a question wrong during the live session?

The Online Youth Mental Health First Aid course is designed as a learning tool, and the instructor will not be expecting you to get every question or process correct on the first time. If you do give an incorrect answer during the live session, you will be given feedback on the correct answer and can try the question again.

Q. Can I record the live session so I can refer to it if I need to?

No, you will not be able to record the sessions as other learners will be present and may be sharing potentially sensitive and personal information. As with all our courses, we encourage open and free discussions and want people to feel secure that these are private and protected conversations.
There would also be a need for GDPR consent from all participants as well as the protection of MHFA England’s intellectual property.

Q. Who do I go to if I need support?

In the first instance you should go directly to the Instructor Member for your course for any queries. For example, you should contact them first for support with logging into the Online Learning Hub or accessing course materials. If for any reason your course instructor is unable to assist you, please contact or call us on 0203 928 0760 and press option 2 to speak to our Customer Service Team.

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The MHFA England Online Learning Hub

Q. What is the MHFA England Online Learning Hub?

The MHFA England Online Learning Hub is an integrated learning platform that provides a one-stop "hub" for learners. From one login, learners can access, interact with, and complete their learning modules for both their individual learning and instructor-led live sessions.

Q. How do I access the Online Learning Hub?

Once the Instructor Member confirms you as a delegate on their course you will receive an invitation with a link to the Online Learning Hub as well as login details. Should you have any issues please contact the instructor who will be able assist.

Q. How long will I have access to the course for?

You will be able to access the course materials via the Online Learning Hub from once the course is fully set up and you are registered, until a month after the course has completed.
You will also have access to the printed Youth MHFA Manual, Workbook, and ALGEE card to refer to at any time, including before, during, and after the course.

Q. I have an accessibility requirement, is there an alternative format?

Large print versions of the course manual and workbook are available. As a learner, as with any of our courses, you can capture any accessibility needs when you register for a course. Your instructor will then contact you ahead of the course to chat through and agree any adjustments that will support your learning experience.
If you need to chat through any accessibility needs, or need any support at any time, please contact or call us on 0203 928 0760 and press option 2 to speak to the MHFA England Customer Service team.

Q. Is the MHFA England Online Learning Hub compatible with all internet browsers?

The MHFA England Online Learning Hub works best when learners use Google Chrome as their internet browser. However, the hub can be used on Firefox and Edge, provided they are the most up to date versions of these browsers. The Online Learning Hub is compatible with Apple Mac, although not yet with Safari (coming soon). To ensure the best learning experience, we do not currently recommend connecting via tablet/iPad.

Q. What equipment and software will our learners need to complete this course?

To ensure you have the best experience, we recommend checking your system requirements ahead of time. See here for a full list of system requriements.

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